A Field Study on The Major Economic Activities of The Yoruks and Their Expectations from The Future

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Ayhan Ceyhan
Adnan Ünalan
Ethem Akyol


This study was carried out in 2019 order to obtain the current information about the livestock activities, which constitute the main sources of income of the Yoruks, which still exist in the Mediterranean and Eastern Anatolia regions. This study was carried out in 60 enterprises that are still engaged in nomadic stockbreeding. 28 open-ended questions were asked in the questionnaire. In this study, various data about Yoruk were collected through observation, questionnaire and interview. The answers to the open-ended questions were evaluated in the study. During the interviews, audio recordings were taken with permission. In addition, various visuals of the culture of the bearers were also photographed. When the data obtained from the study are evaluated, it is seen that today and still the verbal and practical knowledge they have learned from their ancestors in animal breeding and animal feeding subjects, which are the main economic activities of the participants. The most distinctive features of the judges are that they define themselves as people who can solve all kinds of problems. However, especially young people do not want to be nomadic in the future. As a reason for this situation, they show the problems they experienced in education, low income, high cost of animal feed, lack of state support for the participants, lack of communication problems such as telephone and internet in pasture, highland and overwintering areas.

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How to Cite
Ceyhan, A., Ünalan, A., & Akyol, E. (2020). A Field Study on The Major Economic Activities of The Yoruks and Their Expectations from The Future. Journal of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Animal Sciences, 1(1), 14-27. Retrieved from https://jafeas.com/index.php/j1/article/view/3


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