A Study on Sheep Breeding Activities of Farmers in the Herd Management Personnel Course Program in Niğde Province
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The aim of the study was to determine the demographic structure of sheep breeding farms in the province of Niğde related to herd management, herd health, farmers' expectations and problems. The study was conducted by collecting the data from 154 sheep breeders directly by surveying them in person in the province of Niğde in 2019-2020. It was determined that the average age of the breeders engaged in sheep breeding in Niğde was 34.4, and the education Level of 52.6% was primary school, 38.5% secondary school, 6.7% high school and 2.2% university graduates. The results showed that generally (94.4%) Akkaraman sheep are raised in the commercial sheep farms and their average herd size is 133.6 heads. It was found that the 61.8% of sheep breeding is done in village herds, 50.3% of sheep are housed in closed pens and 93.7% of the needs for shepherds is met from within the family. A 62.3% of the commercial farms keep breeding rams in the herd throughout the year and 93.9% of the ram participation method is by free-standing. while the breeders meet the breeding animal supply from their own farms at a rate of 88.1%; and also, these breeders get a 61.4% of their income source from the sale of sheep meat. The major problems of the breeders are the inadequacy of pastures, high feed prices, finding buyers the lower value of animal products, insufficient support and incentives, and importing the animal products and not being able to provide qualified breeding rams.
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