Assessment of silicon priming under different water levels (irrigation regimes) in hybrid Maize
The Silicon nutrient has a best ability to increase the biotic and abiotic sufferance in many crops. In deficient condition of water, the effect of Sodium Silicate (SS) in the seed growth and in seedling were investigated. Two type of priming were performed in this experiment, hydro priming and silicate priming. Hydro priming is a priming in which seed were soaked in distilled water for 8 hours and in silicate priming the seed were soaked in (60 µM) silicate solution for same time. Seeds were sown under water deficient condition in the pots under different field capacity 100%, 80%, 60% and 40% respectively. The final germination percentage (FGP) of the seed treated with silicate priming was less than hydro priming. The results of mean germination time (MGT) and the germination index (GI) of the seed treated with hydro priming was less than silicate priming. The germination rate of the hydro priming was more than the seed with no priming. All these parameters were more efficient and higher in silicate priming than non-priming and hydro-priming. There for all the development in the Maize plant was due to silicate priming rather than hydro-priming and non-priming. By interpretation, silicate seed priming increased the Maize seed germination and general growth under water stress that non-primed and hydro primed seeds. It indicates that in the seed of the priming had a tolerance potential against water deficient stress.

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