The Effects of Controlled Internal Drug Release for Different Days on the Reproductive Performance of Out of Mating Season Sheep

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Abazar Tajaddodchelik
Osman Torun
Yaşar Ergün


This study was conducted to determine the effects on reproductive performances of CIDR implants in different periods (days) out of the mating season in a private sheep enterprise. For this purpose, 312 heads ewes of different ages were divided into groups 3 by ages and body conditions. After applying CIDR (include 330 mg of Progesterone), they have been taken on fifth day for group 1, on seventh day for group 2 and twelfth day for group 3 and after removing CIDR; PMSG (400 IU), PGF2? (100 ?g) and GnRH (100 ?g) injected (IM) to all. It has been determined that oestrus rate were found 86.53% for group 1 (5 days), 94.23% for group 2 (7 days) and 82.69% for group 3 (12 days), mating rates were 76.92%, 80.76% and 74.03%, the pregnancy rates were 58.65%, 56.73%, and 47.11%, litter size (prolificacy) by hundred lambed sheep were 146.42%, 128.57% and 136.17%, fecundity were 78.84%, 69.23% and 62.53%. Mortality rate of lambs at birth in group 1, 2 and 3 were found 7.32%, 4.17% and 1.54% respectively. Birth weights of single lambs have been significantly higher than multiple births weights of lambs (p<0.05). It can be concluded that the highest mating rate (p<0.05) has been obtained by the CIDR implementation to the sheep for 7 days, out of the mating season and a quite successful rate is provided when it is compared to external lambing in terms of pregnancy rates.

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How to Cite
Tajaddodchelik, A., Torun, O., & Ergün, Y. . (2020). The Effects of Controlled Internal Drug Release for Different Days on the Reproductive Performance of Out of Mating Season Sheep. Journal of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Animal Sciences, 1(1), 28-38. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Osman Torun

Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü Balcalı, Adana

Yaşar Ergün



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